I haven't had much to blog about this month. Life has been very busy, but only with boring things. I can't believe It is already the last day of June! The summer needs to stop going by so fast. Here are a few of the things that happened this month:
June 4th was the birthday of the cutest little boy ever! My Nephew Carter turned one. It was super fun to watch him open his presents and attack his cake. He is the most precious thing. So funny, and always makes the perfect faces for pictures. Love him!!! Here are some pictures of that fun:
June 5th was one year since Aaron proposed to me. We didn't do anything to celebrate really, but it was a very happy day. Fun to look back at the last year and how things have changed and gotten so much better. I can't believe it, but I love him even more than when I said yes.
Father's Day was relaxing. Saturday we went to Bear Lake and celebrated with my family. We had a very nice steak dinner, as usual. Sunday we hung out with Aaron's family. We all just relaxed and had a good time. I got Aaron a shirt as a father's day present. No, I'm not announcing anything. I just wanted to get him something since he will be a daddy to our kids one day.... one far away day. Mostly, he just needs some more shirts.
We went to my Nephew Max's last baseball game. He's a freaking superstar! He hit a home run that almost hit the cars in the parking lot. He can smack that ball so far. It's crazy that he's already 7 years old! It always surprises me when he's with kids his age how much taller than the rest of them he is. My family isn't known for our height, so he's going to tower over Carter when they are grown up. :)
We have gone fishing quite a bit this summer. Still no luck. Maybe one day I'll catch my first fish. Last Friday we went night fishing with some guys Aaron works with. We got there just before 10PM and stayed till some time after midnight. Only one guy caught something and it was just a baby catfish.
We have had a lot of fun this summer so far. I love it. I just want it to slow down so I can enjoy it for longer.