Wednesday, December 22, 2010


All the presents are wrapped and neatly placed under the tree!
Probably more than there should be.
I may have spoiled my husband.... a lot.
It's his turn for that.
He spoils me plenty.

That's all.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Random much??? Why yes!

Aaron has been at work for the last 13 and a half hours. I've been off for the last 7 hours. I'm not very good at entertaining myself and I am officially b.o.r.e.d.
I started making heath bar cookies and half way through realized that I don't have eggs. I read that you can substitute 2 tablespoons cornstarch for every egg in cookies, so I gave that a try. They turned out pretty good. I mixed them too much, so they could have been better. I will probably still eat them all in the next week. I LOVE home made cookies. They are kind of an addiction of mine. I can't just eat one!!!! Best addiction ever! :)
Another random thought, I cant stop buying Aaron Christmas presents. haha I keep saying I'm done, then I think of something else I know he wants. I want to get him everything I ever remember him saying he wants. He has expensive taste so I can't buy him everything, I've already spent so much. Ekk. I think I'm really done as of today though. I love knowing he'll be happy with what he gets, But I hate thinking that he might wish he had something else too. haha! Yep. I love him.
Our Christmas tree has a decent amount of presents under it and that makes me happy. We didn't procrastinate this year! Yay! Only one more present. I just don't have any idea what to get for them..... hmmmmm.....
Today was soooo cold! I had to work at the window for the majority of the day today, which is pretty typical. I thought my ears were going to fall off!!! It was 2 degrees when I got to work. Better than yesterday though. Good thing I have the hobo gloves Sarah got for me! I've also heard them called glomits.... haha that's just silly.
Well, I think that is all the random thoughts I can think of today.
Holly out.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Annnnnnnndddd we're back!!!

Hello all!
Well everyone who is still checking that is....
It has been awhile eh?
Have I mentioned we are busy people? Cause we most assuredly are!
I should have more time on my hands now.
I just finished a class I took in Phlebotomy! I must brag that I got 100% on the practical, 92% on the final/national exam, and an A overall! Go me!!!! I'm pleased. I'm a certified Phlebotomist! Saaaaaaweet! I absolutely LOVED the class! I miss jabbing people with needles. It's such a high when you see that you got blood! I'm very much a vampire. Now I just wish I could get a job doing it so I can get back to it.
Also, something new, we bought a puppy! His name is Willis (whatcha barkin bout Willis?) He's a min pin and a little pain in the butt! haha but we love him. He's like a child. He puts everything in his mouth! Good thing he's cute.
We had our 1 year anniversary in September. We had a great time touring through beautiful Wyoming.
For Halloween we had a couple parties to go to. We went as Kermit and Miss Piggy and had a good time. I've never been a blond before... I think I'll stay brunette. :)
Thanksgiving we spent with my family and enjoyed good food and great company. I love my family and don't see them enough. I hope to live closer to them soon than later. We also visited my fantastic Aunt Debbie and her girls and grand kids. Oh we love them lots. Sweetest family.
Black Friday included lots of shopping, awesome deals, and going to see Harry Potter and eat at Aggies with my Daddy and Aaron's family for my Birthday.
Now we are just getting ready for Christmas! Went to see the lights last weekend with our "other family" the Anderson's. They are so much fun! We took the front runner (soooo dizzy!) and a great time. I was so happy to see Kim and Ken's baby for the first time! So handsome!
Also, today I got to see Becca's baby for the first time. She's a doll! Such a good little princess. I loved holding her. Don't worry Becca, I enjoyed seeing you too. :)
Well, that pretty much gets us all caught up! Look for more updates soon!
Merry Christmas ya'll!!!