Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Good news part 1

This is the 1st in my series of good news posts. It's like Harry Potter, I can only reveal the 1st half of this post right now :)

Drum roll please...........

My amazing husband snagged a super sweet new job! This is a huge blessings in many ways. His old job was getting ridiculous, and frustrating. I'm so glad to be done with them. I am grateful for all that they have done for us the past couple years, but even more grateful to be moving on. NO MORE BEING ON CALL EVERY 2 WEEKS!!! Hu freakin' rray. However, in exchange for that, Aaron will be working every Saturday till 5pm. That is a big down side, but hey, there's no such thing as a perfect job. Hopefully it will just be temporary until he gets some seniority. I don't know if I will hate this as much as the being on call, we shall see. It should be more than worth it though, cause it's quite a large pay raise. Cha-ching! We are very excited for this change in our lives. So happy! :D

So there you have it, part one of our good news and one of the reason's we feel so blessed. Keep an eye out for part 2.


Friday, August 19, 2011

Poor Goldie Honda has a boo boo!

With all of our many blessings we have been having lately I've kind of been waiting for something bad to happen. I'm just not used to having so many great things happen all at once with very little bad things thrown in there. I'm not a pessimist, or looking for something bad in my life, it just seemed to be the way my life would go. Kind of just what I've been used to I guess.
Well, something bad happened last night. Not horrible, just slightly inconvenient. I got rear ended and t-boned on my way home from work. It wasn't a horrible wreck, no one was seriously injured, thank goodness. It was a 4 car pile up, 2 cars were totaled, mine wasn't. I was the only one not in a regular car, I was in the CR-V, so I was the biggest car. The only damage is a big dent in the drivers side door. It wasn't my fault, so someone else's insurance will pay to get it fixed. Poor Goldie Honda.
Surprisingly, no one's airbags went off during all of this. While this might sound like a bad thing, it was a big blessing for me. We got a letter in the mail a few weeks ago saying that if our car still has the original air bag that it needs to be replaced. It was recalled because pieces of metal have been reported coming through the air bag on deployment. A little scary? Yes. I got lucky. I'm definitely counting my blessings for this. My Mom has really been watching out for me and keeping me safe.
The only thing wrong is the usual stiffness and soreness expected after a car wreck. Also, I have mild panic attacks when I drive now. Haha! I'm a baby, I know. I keep hearing the crunch noise and cringing. On my way to work this morning I got stopped by almost all 13 lights between my house and work. I thought I might just die. I just stared intently in my rear view mirror, not daring to blink. I would tap my breaks so my lights would flash just to make sure everyone knew I was coming to a stop. Haha! I'm a nerd.

On a different note, today is my Mom's Birthday, so here's a shout out to her! Happy Birthday Mommy! I miss you and think of you everyday. Thank you for being there for me, even when you can be here for me. I know you are having a blast playing with all your grand kids that have yet to get their mortal bodies. I love you lots! - Sister Sue.

That is all.

Love love love love love!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Check back soon!

We are going to be having a lot of big changes in our life in the next month. I can't spill the beans just yet, but keep checking back to see what's up! And let me stop the thought that I know is going through everyone's mind right now. No, I am NOT pregnant, not trying to get pregnant, or anything related to that thought at all. Yes, there are other changes in life to get excited about. We have been extremely blessed lately, and we feel so grateful for everything that has happened to us this summer. It is definitely a summer to remember. Life is just going so great, and we are incredibly happy with everything right now. I hope to be able to let you know sooner rather than later! I don't remember the last time I was this content. It's a good feeling ya know? We know we are doing what we are supposed to right now, and that we are at a good place in life. Can't get much better than this :)
Hope your summer as been just as full of blessings as ours!
