I do have a back up bow from my old violin, but it is dirty and does not play well. I didn't know in my early violin days that you are not supposed to touch the hairs or the oils from your hands make it all gross and the sound quality suffers.
I can clean the old bow and it will be back to normal, but I lost my rosin a couple years ago in my high school orchestra class. With out rosin, the cleaned bow won't play. Guess I don't get to play my Christmas songs this year.
Poor little neglected violin. Haha
In other news, I scalded my tongue and throat on piping hot cocoa this morning at breakfast. Ouch. :p
rosin is cheep woman!! it's like a buck!! lol sorry you lost your bow..
I feel your pain.
oh my goodness, girl I don't feel your pain, but I do know how it feels to be close to an instrument.... I don't ever want my piano to become broken.
oh girl, I love you and send you my sympathy.
haha I was just being overly dramatic on purpose.
I'm not really THAT upset about it. Just slightly irritated. Maybe a little disappointed.
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