Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Random much??? Why yes!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Annnnnnnndddd we're back!!!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Sweet deal!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
America's Birthday
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
I haven't had much to blog about this month. Life has been very busy, but only with boring things. I can't believe It is already the last day of June! The summer needs to stop going by so fast. Here are a few of the things that happened this month:
June 4th was the birthday of the cutest little boy ever! My Nephew Carter turned one. It was super fun to watch him open his presents and attack his cake. He is the most precious thing. So funny, and always makes the perfect faces for pictures. Love him!!! Here are some pictures of that fun:
June 5th was one year since Aaron proposed to me. We didn't do anything to celebrate really, but it was a very happy day. Fun to look back at the last year and how things have changed and gotten so much better. I can't believe it, but I love him even more than when I said yes.
Father's Day was relaxing. Saturday we went to Bear Lake and celebrated with my family. We had a very nice steak dinner, as usual. Sunday we hung out with Aaron's family. We all just relaxed and had a good time. I got Aaron a shirt as a father's day present. No, I'm not announcing anything. I just wanted to get him something since he will be a daddy to our kids one day.... one far away day. Mostly, he just needs some more shirts.
We went to my Nephew Max's last baseball game. He's a freaking superstar! He hit a home run that almost hit the cars in the parking lot. He can smack that ball so far. It's crazy that he's already 7 years old! It always surprises me when he's with kids his age how much taller than the rest of them he is. My family isn't known for our height, so he's going to tower over Carter when they are grown up. :)
We have gone fishing quite a bit this summer. Still no luck. Maybe one day I'll catch my first fish. Last Friday we went night fishing with some guys Aaron works with. We got there just before 10PM and stayed till some time after midnight. Only one guy caught something and it was just a baby catfish.
We have had a lot of fun this summer so far. I love it. I just want it to slow down so I can enjoy it for longer.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Trying to leave on a jet plane
Monday, May 24, 2010
Finally VIRGINIA/DC huzzah!
Dr. Kevin---Mermaids are a symbol of Norfolk and are all over
The beach after the graduation and dinner on the pier
Petting sting rays at the aquarium---Corn hole! Great local game!
Battleship. Sign pointing wrong way----Trapped in Williamsburg
Fishing in the Ocean------------------Aaron caught a freakin Shark!
Teddy--------------------------------Utah baby!! The WWII memorial
Lincoln and Lincoln------------------------------Hello Abe!
The white house----------------------------Snipers on the roof!
Reflection-----------We are the dot at the bottom. It's sooo tall
Nats VS. Mets!---------------Buzz Aldrin's uniform at a Smithsonian
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Cinco de Mayo! Ole!

Monday, May 3, 2010
Blog spam
P.S. Happy May! Summer is soooo close! Then it will finally be Bear Lake season! I'm soo excited! :)
That's all!
I love most of you! ;)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Just thought you should know...
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Spaghetti pie
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Playing a little game of catch up.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
One month
Well, I just wanted to tell ya'll how excited I am.
That's all.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Can I brag for a minute?
Sooooo I just got home from a shopping trip a good old K-mart. (Fifth one this week, yes I have gone shopping with double coupons everyday this week.) Let me just tell you, I am very proud of myself for this one. Here is what I bought:
Dove Ultimate deodorant
Air Wick Aqua Mist air freshener
Hunt's Snack Pack 4 pack
Wheat Thins
Pepperidge Farm soft chocolate chip cookies
and a box of Kashi granola bars
for just 25 CENTS! And I won a free Axe Shower Gel with their rewards card.
Umm yeah.... How cool am I? haha
Don't be jealous, just make your way over to K-mart and get your own awesome double deals. It ends tomorrow though, so don't wait!
Just has to brag real fast. Thanks for letting me! :)
That's all.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Double Coupons? Yes please!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
So I have decided that instead of finding these awesome deals and keeping them to myself, I will share them on here and let you guys live it up too. How nice am I? haha :)
So here is today's SWEET deal:
If you text your 16-digit Subway card number to 35562 you will get 50 bonus points added to your card next time you go there, which is the amount of points needed for a free 6-inch sub. How cool is that? If you don't have a Subway card, they are free at any Subway store, you just have to ask. So go eat fresh for free!

That's all.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
But today is one of the most exciting, after our six month anniversary of course.
It's the first day of Spring! I love it! It's so nice and sunny outside today. Mmmmm and tomorrow it's supposed to be 60 DEGREES!!! Oh hurray! Bring on the warm weather, flip flops, and shorts! So happy for it. There are even little flowers starting to bloom in the yard, AND the grass is starting to turn green. It's usually still snowing here at this time of year. It snowy and cold till the end of May normally. I'm happy it's not and hopefully I don't jinx it!
I am so excited for Bear Lake season to come around again. We didn't get to go much last year cause it was still kind of hard and depressing to be there but I think this year will be much better and I can't wait. Bear Lake has always been my second home and I love it so much. I hope we have lots of beach to play on. I have a feeling we will!
I just want to get outside and camp and hike and play already!
It's going to be a great summer, I just know it! :)
Happy Spring!!!
Get out and enjoy it!
That's all!
Love love loves!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
It's not easy being green
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
May the luck of the Irish be with you all!
That's all.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Happy Pi Day!
I always end up eating pie on pi day without thinking about it.
We had leftover pizza pie for breakfast this morning.
I don't know why my husband thinks that's a good breakfast, but whatcha gonna do? Eat some too? yes please!
Surprisingly, it is an official holiday.
So, happy Pi Day. Hope you had delicious pie! Yum yum!
That's all
Friday, March 5, 2010
Six months later
So, six months later, and I still love Aaron very much. More actually. Not that that will ever stop. I'm so grateful to have him in my life. We are so blessed. Getting married to him was the best thing to ever happen to me. I'm pretty much the luckiest person alive. My husband is unquestionably the best around. You may beg to differ, but you would be very wrong. hehe ;)
Well, that's all I have to say right now.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Tim Tam Slams!