Friday, April 9, 2010

Can I brag for a minute?

Sooooo I just got home from a shopping trip a good old K-mart. (Fifth one this week, yes I have gone shopping with double coupons everyday this week.) Let me just tell you, I am very proud of myself for this one. Here is what I bought:

Dove Ultimate deodorant

Air Wick Aqua Mist air freshener

Hunt's Snack Pack 4 pack

Wheat Thins

Pepperidge Farm soft chocolate chip cookies

and a box of Kashi granola bars

for just 25 CENTS! And I won a free Axe Shower Gel with their rewards card.

Umm yeah.... How cool am I? haha

Don't be jealous, just make your way over to K-mart and get your own awesome double deals. It ends tomorrow though, so don't wait!

Just has to brag real fast. Thanks for letting me! :)

That's all.


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